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A member registered Jun 12, 2020

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Reporting that I've seen this too. In stress-free mode if I die at the same time as the last enemy before a checkpoint or level, I only get asteroids from then on. It took me restarting three times (four games total) to get to the end, because I died a lot in the later levels. Thanks for listening!

Bought the game on Steam, loving it! Thought I'd report a minor bug, and this forum was the only way I could find to contact the developer. Here's how to reproduce it in Windows 10:

  1. Launch R-COIL from Steam 
  2. Play (I was in "stress free" mode at the time)
  3. ESC to pause (option to Quit shows)
  4. Shift-Tab to open Steam overlay
  5. Exit Steam overlay (Shift-Tab again should work)
  6. Back in game, select No, don't quit.
  7. Play resumes without sound.

If you don't pause first, the sound stays on after returning from Steam overlay. Not much of a bug, but every little bit helps, right? Thanks.